Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bradley's name is FRANK now.
Frank is free writing again. Once again I am in the ever so boring computer lab with nothing to write about. It is now 11:44. I am very bored. It is now 11:45. I am still quite bored and there is nothing to do but type. It is now 11:46. All I'm doing is typing away inthe boring compututer lab. it is now 11:49. i'm so board. im afraid tpying has board me so much that im startin to make misteaks. it's now 11:51. i fear that if i don't end this post soon i'll become a bored, lifeless, zombie so i'm going to stop.
Johnaura's Journal
Free write
Well today we get out for thanksgiving break, I am so happy because my family and I might go to Chicago. I am also happy because this means that I have time to do things that are really important to me like work on music and help my family out. If I have a really good attitude then i will get a cell phone by Friday morning so i have to try to have a good attitude.
Well today we get out for thanksgiving break, I am so happy because my family and I might go to Chicago. I am also happy because this means that I have time to do things that are really important to me like work on music and help my family out. If I have a really good attitude then i will get a cell phone by Friday morning so i have to try to have a good attitude.
Bradley thinks the spotlight SHUT UP!!!
Bradley is freewriting once again. Yesterday, someone tried to guess my name and the first name they said was Frank. After telling them my name wasn't Frank I told them my name was Bradley and they just couldn't believe it! Appearently, I look so much like a "Frank", that having a name like Bradley is unbeleivable! When I told a friend about it, they even said I look like a "Frank"! Once I got home, I got a blue and white t- shirt that I haven't worn yet and wrote FRANK. I am wearing it today.
Gabbi Renee's journal :)
So tomorrrow we FINALLY get to have a break from school. I've waited long enough. I can't wait for our first snow...i just hope it's not while im sitting at the UK game Saturday. I hope it can wait. I hope im able to walk after eating all this food. Last game of the season should be nice. Even though its a highly emotional time for every fan in the stadium and the players who represent us out on the field. All the accomplishments play over like a film in your mind and you can't help but smile..and sometimes even shed a tear. Thats all for now! Go wildcats!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Johnaura's Journal
I am new to the state of Kentucky I don't really like it but I guess it could be ok. Everyone is always talking about UK I really don't like UK I think the suck but hey thats just me I am a Duke fan.
Free Writing Again (GREG)
I am going to get my permit on Wednesday November 18, 2009 I can't wait to feel the freedom of driving. I won't have to rely on people to take me places. So that really excites me. I also get paid next week. I should have a good check I work enough
I'm pretty excited for Thanksgiving! We have a week of school left from today. All of my family from Illinois and Iowa fly in. It's the only time besides Christmas that we are ALL united together. We all hug each other and give compliments on how much we've changed. It's always a blast when were all together. We begin with a family prayer where everyone says what they are most thankful for. All of us then eat until we know we will bust if we eat anymore :) Maybe it'll snow? Can't wait for Christmas!
Thanksgiving Article
Thanksgiving is a time for people all across the United States to give thanks. They celebrate with parades, lots of food, and spending time with their friends and family. The tradition began several years ago with the pilgrims and their search for freedom. They landed on Plymouth Rock. Their special friends the Native Americans helped them to plant crops and taught them the way to survive with pretty much nothing. They had a huge feast together to celebrate. Now we all tell what we are thankful for and have a meal with the people that we love. This holiday has changed so much.
Turkey Quiz!
1. Turkey and gravy is a --------- to Thanksgiving!
c. obsequious
2.When Thanksgiving is over, I am very ----------
3. When the turkey is served, I'm always to a ------- state over the biggest piece
a. abstemious
b. hubris
c. bellicose
4. The turkey is probably ------ when it is being hunted.
a. infrastructure
c. obsequious
2.When Thanksgiving is over, I am very ----------
3. When the turkey is served, I'm always to a ------- state over the biggest piece
a. abstemious
b. hubris
c. bellicose
4. The turkey is probably ------ when it is being hunted.
a. infrastructure
Friday, November 6, 2009
We Are Worried About You
Mrs. Mullins We are all worried and praying for you we are hoping thatyou and your family are ok hopefully you didn't get your kids or man sick. I really miss you. We are really ready for you to come back we hope you are getting well. Oh did I mention you aren't allowed to get sick anymore!!! You are very sorely missed by the students and the subs alike. I really honestly don't think they have a clue what they are doing. We all miss your teaching so GET WELL SOON
4th Period
4th Period
Gabbi's Journal
Free Write
This weekend is a big one for sports in the Bluegrass. Kentucky basketball cats take on John Calipari's alma mater Clarion. Can't wait to see that game! Im sure it'll be another Campbellsville game. Saturday, we play EKU. If Kentucky's defense doesn't step up there game, our season may possibly be out of the stadium and down the drain. We've got so much to prove, and only 4 quarters to prove it in. I'm pretty pumped though! Hope I have good tailgating food :) GO BIG BLUE!
This weekend is a big one for sports in the Bluegrass. Kentucky basketball cats take on John Calipari's alma mater Clarion. Can't wait to see that game! Im sure it'll be another Campbellsville game. Saturday, we play EKU. If Kentucky's defense doesn't step up there game, our season may possibly be out of the stadium and down the drain. We've got so much to prove, and only 4 quarters to prove it in. I'm pretty pumped though! Hope I have good tailgating food :) GO BIG BLUE!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The spotlight is annoying Bradley
Bradley and the spotlight are freinds now
Bradley's Book Poem
The book I am reading is Thick
And it is ironically thin
and when I was reading it last night
I really hurt my shin.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Bradley isn't mad at the spotlight any more
I'm freewriting again and I have no clue what I should write about. I'm sitting in the computer lab and it's BORING! It is now 11:44. I'm still very bored but maybe something exciting will happen soon. It is now 11:45. Nothing has happend yet but hopefuly something will happen soon. It is now 11:46. I have lost all hope of anything remotely interesting happening and have decided to end this blog.
Journal- Gabbi (:
Nicole is ...
Nicole is free writing... again...
I was sick with the flu all weekend and it sucked...
I layed in bed everyday, all day...
Except for Friday night, I went bowling with Tiffany Rice and her mom and step-dad...
It was pretty fun...
I talked to Ethan most of it and Saturday night when he was suppose to come see me he got in a wreck and tore up his Ferrari and shattered his ribs...
Sunday i slept all day...
And that's about it for my weekend...
Peace :)
I was sick with the flu all weekend and it sucked...
I layed in bed everyday, all day...
Except for Friday night, I went bowling with Tiffany Rice and her mom and step-dad...
It was pretty fun...
I talked to Ethan most of it and Saturday night when he was suppose to come see me he got in a wreck and tore up his Ferrari and shattered his ribs...
Sunday i slept all day...
And that's about it for my weekend...
Peace :)
Free Writing Keeps The World Turning (Greg)
I don't know what to write so I am gonna tell you about the wonderful Sunday I had. It started out OK. I got a good breakfast. Then I got called into work early. Which was OK because it was a Sunday which means business is slow. Being called in early means more money for me. Then I got asked to stay late, which also means more money. But when about 7:30 rolled around a "friend" of mine decided that he wanted to snort 2 10 milligram Oxycodones. This really messed with my head just due to the fact that drugs have had a very negative impact on my life. I was filled with an almost uncontrollable rage. I couldn't control myself I asked my manager to talk to me so I wouldn't lose what little bit of cool I actually had left. I finally said that I needed to go home and I got sent home but I didn't lose out on any hours I actually got an hour and a half overtime. So that was my lovely Sunday.
Blood Brothers Bookjacket

Blood Brothers is an extraordinary story of heartwarming friendship and brotherly love. Clay and Joey are almost inseparable. Clay is the moiety of Joey; two peas in a pod. They have opposite lifestyles but still seem to be an honest example of best friends forever. Clay- no money , broken family, and enormous dreams of growing up and saving lives. Joey- loaded to say the least, popular, and what seems to be everything. The bright future soon comes to an end for one. Drugs from an unknown source send Joey into a drastic coma. Clay will fight and take extreme, outrageous measures to find the source of evil. He wont be obsequious; he will do whatever it takes. He will be acumen; he has to be for closure, for his friendship with his best friend for 10 years. What will come of this dramatic situation? Read along as the author tries to inculcate a real life lesson through a heart wrenching story.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Im freewriting again today and i have decided to write about my second favorite passtime... VIDEOGAMES!!!!!!!!!!! I love playing videogames. I have been a videogame nerd all my life. My favorite type of videogames are wrestling videogames ( big surprise). But, before I got into Wrestling I played street-fighting games. My favorite ones were "Sreet-Fighter" and "Tekken". One of the things I liked most were their cartoonish storylines. Videogames used to be my favorite thing in the world but now it has been replaced by the best thing in the world... WRESTLING!!!!!
Bradley's poem
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Family Guy is hilarious,
and southpark is too.
I'm not very good at writing poems,
Not very good at all,
when it comes to writing poems,
I'm as creative as a brick wall.
Greg's Poem
Peace In Pieces
The Peace Fell To The Ground & Shatters
As Shiny Lead Falls To The Dirt With Loud Clatters
Men & Women Scream
Is This All One Bad Dream
Is It Some Horrific Nightmare
My Thoughts Are You Gotta Get Outta Here
The Blasts Blow On
As The Peace Goes Farther & Farther Gone
And The Assassin Fled
As The Yin Yang Bled
Can Our Peace We Revive
Will Harmony And Love Stay Alive
If Peace Falls
Will Hope Leave Us All
I love the way you look at me
your eyes so bright and blue,
I love the way you kiss me
your lips so soft and smooth,
I love the way your always there
it proves to me that you care,
I love you baby
forever and always we will be a pair... =)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Nicole && Kristyn's in the spotlight! BAM!!!
Today is free write!!! We are sitting here in the computer lab eating goldfishes!!! We are the BOMB!!!... It's only Nicole, Kristyn and Bradley here in our group today... What fun!
Bradley HATES being in the spotlight!
There have been many times I thought I was going to die, but the most terrifying was my first Court Day. I was 4 years old when my mom finally let me go to Court Day and I was excited to be going. On the sunday of Court Day weekend me, my mom, my sister, and her friend all went to the Chinese restaraunt after church to celebrate my sister's friend's birthday. When we left I decided to take some chopsticks with me. The next day my mom took me to Court Day and I bought just about everything I saw. On our way home I found the chopsticks in the car and continued to pay with them. We got home and I was so excited to play with my new toys that I bolted up the front porch stairs. I forgot I had the copsticks in my hand and I tripped. When I hit the ground, a chopstick stabbed my eyelid and scraped down the side of my face. That day I learned a valuable lesson... DON'T RUN WITH SHARP OBJECTS.
Book Jacket 4 Unwind =]
Connor's parents want to be rid of him because he's a troublemaker. Risa has no parents and is being unwound to cut orphanage costs. Lev's unwinding has been planned since birth, as part of his family's strict religion. Brought together by chance, and kept together by desperation, these three unlikely companions make a harrowing crosscountry journey, knowing thier lives hang in the balance. If they can survive until their eighteenth birthday, they can't be harmed but when every piece of them, from their hands to their hearts, are wanted by a world gone mad.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Bradley doesn't like being in the spotlight
Today we were told to free write, so I decided to write about one of the things I love the most... PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! Coming from me, that may sound wierd but that is one of my true passions. Right now I do some backyard wrestling but someday I hope to become a proffesional wrestler. I intend to do this by hiring a local wrestler to train me when i turn 18. I'll go to some of the local wrestling companies and see if they will hire me and try to get some more experience. After that I'll try and get into the OVW. Many of the wrestlers in the WWE got their big break in OVW and I hope to get mine there as well.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Kristyn Has Got Too Take The Spotlight Once More!:)
Starting Friday night my boyfriend and I went out to eat with his brother and sister and their friends at El Camino...Yummy...And then after that we went to the movies to watch Zombieland(best movie ever), anywho i had tons of fun. That following morning i had to go and compete at Ky Kingdom for Xtreme Elite Allstars and Coach my mini team..boy are they cute...Later on that night me and Ben(my Boyfriend) went to a haunted house called Nightmare House in Lexington, in a big, old, run down warehouse behind an industrial park...i got the crap scared out of me...haha I hid behind him the whole time...what a chicken but besides that fact it was very fun and interesting...well that's all for now. Believe me you will soon here from me again.
Nicole's in the Spotlight...AGAIN!!!
Tiffany Rice came over to my house this weekend... Friday night we went riding around town with Mat Molands (her boyfriend)... Saturday night when Tiffany left i ended up going to Lexington to my Dad's and Step-mom's house... Sunday i came back home and went to Blake's house all day... We went riding 4-wheelers all day and i hung with him and his family...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Book Jacket for Killing Britney
La La La La I Can't Hear You, Kristyn's Pretty Much Here To Set The Scene!
I just wanted to say hello, and I hope everyone reading this is oh so jealous of our fabulous blogging skills, *cough cough* ME!, Just kidding guys, cool your rockets:) well enjoy!
Greg Is Gonna Free Write Everybody RUN!!!!!!!!!
Well I'm getting really fed up with all the people spreading rumors about me... So... I'm gonna set a few things straight. First I'm not a gang member I don't even really know of any gangs in Mt. Sterling. Second I do not do drugs. I have enough of a brain to not ruin my life and spend all my money on crack and meth so... Thanks to everyone who supports me and to those of you who like to run your lips please PLEASE KEEP TALKIN it gives me somethin to do!!!!!!
Thanks To All Of You Who Are Flappin Your Lips
Thanks To All Of You Who Are Flappin Your Lips
Ahhh The Stupid Lights. Kristyn's Back:) Cycle Tres!
I AM FREE WRITING!!!!!! So here goes nothing...Last weekend I went to a motocross race in Powell County and watched my boyfriend race. I got really muddy by the way, decided to share that with you. Ummm....I'm so ready for homecoming this friday, I really don't know why but i get way to excited for stupid things but its whatever keeps the boat afloat dude. Besides the fact i'm completely losing sanity on this blog, I have to say something about how i enjoy my group and this class. Now about me...hmmm...I wonder what I could say...OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I ever say i'm really loud:) Haha now you know!;D
Greg Is Back In The Spotlight
The biggest crowd I've ever been in was this past year at The Gathering there were 150,000 people jam packed in one arena. The Gathering is a massive two day concert it features bands like Insane Clown Posse Twiztid Boondox A.B.K. Dark Lotus Hatchet House Psychopathic Rydas Jumpsteady Nate The Mack Blaze Yo Dead Homie and before his death ODB It is one place where 150,000 JUGGALOS can be together as one big family. I love the concert
Nicoles in the Bloglight! cycle 3 (: I Love My "Big Green Tractor!!"
Country music would have to be one of my favorite things to listen to... Brad Paisley is my hero, hes gorgeous... A lot of the music soothes me when im angry or upset... A lot of people don't care for it and thats cool... Country music is simply amazing!!!
Kristyn is blinded by the spotlight and is now dimming the lights:) Cycle Tres!
I think of country music as a excuse for me to throw things because of the fact that all country music artists sing about is how their dog died and their wife took their truck. No offense to anyone out there reading this who enjoys this noise which makes my ears bleed. But any who i have nothing else to say about country music without getting too in detail:)
Gabbis In The Bloglight! Cycle 3 (:
The Largest Crowd I've ever been in was just this past weekend. I've never been amongst so many people in my life, or at least that's the way it felt. The number of people that entered the park was a remarkable 71,988. When I heard the announcer release the number, I wasn't at all surprised. The stadium wasn't quite large enough to comfortably accommodate that many people. There were people standing up in the aisles, and even people sitting on one anothers laps to make more room. The weather was humid as well, and being with 71,987 people make it feel like a sauna. There wasn't an empty seats in the Cat's house, literally. GO BLUE! :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Gabbi is in the spotlight..once again !:)
"Live Like you were Dying."
The Colomber
Stefano lived as if he were dying, and he ended up dying. He was constantly reminded of how curious he was about what was going on at sea. He never let himself settle for no answer. He took the risk and approached it. They always have said curiousity killed the cat. He lived as if he had no fear about what the shark would do.
The Contents of the Dead Mans Pocket
Tom Benecke always put his work first. He had so much more to cherish than a promotion. When Tom almost died upon the ledge, he realized there is so much more in life to live for. He had a wife that he really loved, and she seemed to be the overbearing strength he exerted while on the ledge. He had to get his priorities straight before he lost it all. There is so much more to life than money and rank. He made a decision to go out on the ledge, which could've caused death. He lived like he was dying, like his tomorrow was a gift and it was up to him to decide what you would do with it...What would you do with it?
The Colomber
Stefano lived as if he were dying, and he ended up dying. He was constantly reminded of how curious he was about what was going on at sea. He never let himself settle for no answer. He took the risk and approached it. They always have said curiousity killed the cat. He lived as if he had no fear about what the shark would do.
The Contents of the Dead Mans Pocket
Tom Benecke always put his work first. He had so much more to cherish than a promotion. When Tom almost died upon the ledge, he realized there is so much more in life to live for. He had a wife that he really loved, and she seemed to be the overbearing strength he exerted while on the ledge. He had to get his priorities straight before he lost it all. There is so much more to life than money and rank. He made a decision to go out on the ledge, which could've caused death. He lived like he was dying, like his tomorrow was a gift and it was up to him to decide what you would do with it...What would you do with it?
Kristyn Doesn't Need A Spotlight She Has A Flashlight:) Cycle Dos!
Traitors Never Play Hangman By Bring Me The Horizon:)
This is what the edge of your seat was made for. Holding on. Nothing to lose. And this is what the back of your hand was made for. Stolen apologies. You're a traitor to my heart. You're a traitor to us all. For saken.This over indulgence of consciousness has torn a day apart, And lingered in the splendeaour of the feeling in my stomach. Trailing down the shadow of cupped hands Covering my face away from the need to talk to my miscalculation.Were all movie stars! x3 And I'm speaking these words. And I'm talking to the mirror. You're a traitor to my heart. You're a traitor to us f****** all. And I don't want to kiss anyone but you. I F****** love you.
This is what the edge of your seat was made for. Holding on. Nothing to lose. And this is what the back of your hand was made for. Stolen apologies. You're a traitor to my heart. You're a traitor to us all. For saken.This over indulgence of consciousness has torn a day apart, And lingered in the splendeaour of the feeling in my stomach. Trailing down the shadow of cupped hands Covering my face away from the need to talk to my miscalculation.Were all movie stars! x3 And I'm speaking these words. And I'm talking to the mirror. You're a traitor to my heart. You're a traitor to us f****** all. And I don't want to kiss anyone but you. I F****** love you.
Nicole's In The Spotlight!!!
When we came back to school the first week was really hectic... The hallways were a total mess to me... I wasn't really use to being with all of the upper classmen... At lunch it was hard to find places to eat until they started letting us eat outside... As the year goes on it has become easier to get to class and lunch.
Greg Stole The Spotlight WAHOO!!!!
My favorite childhood memory is the Christmas that I got my first guitar. It was a Crate guitar players pack. It had a guitar, a strap, 5 guitar picks, and an amplifier. As soon as I opened it i plugged it up and immediatly started to try to play. But... when i first started i was completely terrible. I still own the guitar. I still play it as loud as possible. But now I am quite a bit better.
My favorite childhood memory is the Christmas that I got my first guitar. It was a Crate guitar players pack. It had a guitar, a strap, 5 guitar picks, and an amplifier. As soon as I opened it i plugged it up and immediatly started to try to play. But... when i first started i was completely terrible. I still own the guitar. I still play it as loud as possible. But now I am quite a bit better.
Kristyn's In The Spotlight Cycle Uno:)
If Kristyn was A color...She would be...umm....A neon color...I chose this color becasue I'm loud and in your face all the time. I'm a very colorful person, bright colors make my day! My nails are always painted neon colors or black. I own almost every clothing item in every color possible, yeah I'm an impulse shopper:)
Gabbi's in the spotlight! Cycle 1
My most embarrassing moment was just recently. We took a screening test in math to see what we already know. One parituclar question absolutely make me blush when i found out i missed! It was: "What would you measure degrees with?" We all know the obvious answer is a thermometer, but being too blonde got to me. I marked the letter choice that had the answer "ruler." Not only was this embarrassing to me personally, but I was REALLY embarassed when I found out I was the only one in the whole class that got it incorrect. I told my best friend sitting behind me about it, and she couldn't help but to laugh out loud. The teacher figured something was up with our mid-class random laughter! :)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The First Amendment, which was established by Congress in 1787, reveals and enforces our basic freddoms including speech, assembly, and press. Recently, some "adults" filed several irrational complaints about novels and materials we were reading. Not only have they taken one of our books in the process of us reading them, but SEVEN books have been taken out of our possession. We feel as if these thoughts expressed major violations of our rights, and we are outraged with out lack of option to take action.
First off, the reasons for pulling our books were unacceptable. They may contain sexual content, a very limited amount of curse words, and violence, but we ARE mature sophomores and juniors. We are supposed to be growing up and learning about things in life. We are exposed to this kind of nature everyday in society. It's nothing to us to hear an explicit word out on the streets. Why throw a fit and get your undies in a wad over a book that talks about EVERYDAY LIFE?
Secondly, Why purchase books these books in the first place? From experience, we enjoy reading these books. They catch out attention, and they have us absolutely hooked. The emotions that they unveil have us thrilled to continue on reading. These books are purchased for the library just to sit in there and not be read. When somebody feels the urge to read them, they decide to take them. We just cannot understand why.
Lastly, We feel as if the removal of our books takes away our last freedom left in school. We have no freedoms in school besides reading.We're trying to be students, and pursure reading. W can't exactly do that when are books are constantly removed.
So, you can see, We are extremely mad about our books being removed. All we hope for is our books being returned and for people to see the point we are really trying to get across.
First off, the reasons for pulling our books were unacceptable. They may contain sexual content, a very limited amount of curse words, and violence, but we ARE mature sophomores and juniors. We are supposed to be growing up and learning about things in life. We are exposed to this kind of nature everyday in society. It's nothing to us to hear an explicit word out on the streets. Why throw a fit and get your undies in a wad over a book that talks about EVERYDAY LIFE?
Secondly, Why purchase books these books in the first place? From experience, we enjoy reading these books. They catch out attention, and they have us absolutely hooked. The emotions that they unveil have us thrilled to continue on reading. These books are purchased for the library just to sit in there and not be read. When somebody feels the urge to read them, they decide to take them. We just cannot understand why.
Lastly, We feel as if the removal of our books takes away our last freedom left in school. We have no freedoms in school besides reading.We're trying to be students, and pursure reading. W can't exactly do that when are books are constantly removed.
So, you can see, We are extremely mad about our books being removed. All we hope for is our books being returned and for people to see the point we are really trying to get across.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Boot Camp Book Jacket
Could It Be intermingling and the intimate relationship between his teacher and himself? Could it be the fifty dollars he stole from his "cash money millionaire" parents? Could it be the pot he willingly smoked with his friends? Is he just following the rugged path of life that seems to be leading him nowhere? What in the world did Garrett do? The blue group is following Garrett Durrell, a teenager, as he faces the trials and tribulations to survive the inhumane treatment he receives from Lake Harmony Boot Camp. He seems to take the verbal and physical abuse from everyone there. EVERYONE. Joe, who is the "father" of his group, is especially terrible at humiliating him. He calls him unnecessary and inappropriate names, and gives higher level children such as Ron and Jon the oppurunity to physically mistreat him. He has to use the bathroom in front of everyone else. He has to run and exercise like a marine would every morning. The food here seems to be unpleasant. He misses Sabrina, the teacher, and he can't seem to understand why his parents would send him here. How could it get any worse?
On a positve note, Garrett has one possible friend, Pauly. Garrett may not be too fond on Pauly, but he may be his only hope to survive. Civilization is scare. Studying is the only thing close to a normal life of a teenager. He has to turn to something. Besides, Pauly needs a decent aquantance after taking torture as well. The older boys threaten to even take his life because hes "no good."
Pauly also has a friend by the name of Sarah. She has been here for an extended amount of time. They have an idea; maybe not the brightest. Running away? Isn't that a potential reason some of the kids are here in the first place? Garrett isn't sure; he must consider the possible consequences. His actions have gotten his this far; how much farther can they get him?
Could running to Canada be the best option? Can saying 'yes sir' and 'no sir' get him out of here the easy way? Will Garrett follow through with the plan of Sarah and Pauly? Can Garrett continue to handle all the nose bleeds and cuts, or does he find worth in this idea that could affect the rest of his life?
Could It Be intermingling and the intimate relationship between his teacher and himself? Could it be the fifty dollars he stole from his "cash money millionaire" parents? Could it be the pot he willingly smoked with his friends? Is he just following the rugged path of life that seems to be leading him nowhere? What in the world did Garrett do? The blue group is following Garrett Durrell, a teenager, as he faces the trials and tribulations to survive the inhumane treatment he receives from Lake Harmony Boot Camp. He seems to take the verbal and physical abuse from everyone there. EVERYONE. Joe, who is the "father" of his group, is especially terrible at humiliating him. He calls him unnecessary and inappropriate names, and gives higher level children such as Ron and Jon the oppurunity to physically mistreat him. He has to use the bathroom in front of everyone else. He has to run and exercise like a marine would every morning. The food here seems to be unpleasant. He misses Sabrina, the teacher, and he can't seem to understand why his parents would send him here. How could it get any worse?
On a positve note, Garrett has one possible friend, Pauly. Garrett may not be too fond on Pauly, but he may be his only hope to survive. Civilization is scare. Studying is the only thing close to a normal life of a teenager. He has to turn to something. Besides, Pauly needs a decent aquantance after taking torture as well. The older boys threaten to even take his life because hes "no good."
Pauly also has a friend by the name of Sarah. She has been here for an extended amount of time. They have an idea; maybe not the brightest. Running away? Isn't that a potential reason some of the kids are here in the first place? Garrett isn't sure; he must consider the possible consequences. His actions have gotten his this far; how much farther can they get him?
Could running to Canada be the best option? Can saying 'yes sir' and 'no sir' get him out of here the easy way? Will Garrett follow through with the plan of Sarah and Pauly? Can Garrett continue to handle all the nose bleeds and cuts, or does he find worth in this idea that could affect the rest of his life?
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